Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Demi Moore Dances With Snoop Dogg

Demi Moore got caught up in the moment on stage at a Snoop Dogg concert in Las Vegas and proceeded to drop it like it's hot.

Just remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas -- until it shows up online!


Megan Fox is...funny?!

Depending on your sense of humour, you wouldn’t know it by her films.

But as a person? She’s got it!

(Take note...some language is NSFW):

And that's just one awesome interview in the series. See more with Jason Bateman, Adam Brody and Chelsea Handler HERE.

- Pamela Roz Out.

Kickballs for Kids!

We wanna help our buddy Chris get 10,000 from Pepsi to continue the good he has already been doing across the globe by hooking kids up with soccer balls! Voting ends tonight so head on over to:

refresheverything.ca find kickballsforkids and VOTE!

Good luck, Chris!

Drew, the Fiddlin' Genius!

Drew showed us how to fiddle for Try'er Out Tuesdays on The Show this morning! He even taught Andrea how to play Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. She butchered it, but damn was he encouraging! If your wanna learn how to fiddle, Drew teaches, and he's wicked with a ton of experience! Email him at:


Monday, August 30, 2010

Neon Trees Love "The Beibs"

Lots of news on Justin Beiber lately...First rumours are flying around that movie producers wanna re-vamp the "Back to the future" franchise with JB playing the role Michael J Fox played. NO thanks. Second Justin is apparently in talks to star in a remake of Grease. He'd be playing John Travolta's "Danny" while the Beibs wants Miley Cyrus to co-star...Again I say No thanks. Im sure he can't act.... this leads me to tell u about the Cover/Mash-up NEON TREE'S did of his song "Baby" mixed in with "Stand By Me" it's catchy.

-Adam Taylor

Ladies: Tips to Picking a Guy Up!

K, so Jay tried this on me this morning. It failed miserably. Then again, who's game is really on at 7:45am....Here are the tips if you wanna try'em out next weekend:


-Approach alone.
-Buy him a drink.
-Insult him. (Don't say anything too mean, but feel free to tease him about something he's wearing, drinking, buying or saying. Just make sure to give him a wink and/or a flirty smile as you're doing it to let him know you're only having fun.)
-Ask him a question.
-Touch him. A sure way to show a guy you're into him is to find ways to touch him as the two of you are talking.
-Walk away. (Once you've made your initial attack it's important to retreat back to your bunker.)
-Wait for him to come back....hahaha, Jays still waiting...Good Luck!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Facebook: Old-School Style

If only more people's status updates were that life-changing today hey!? Check out even more unexpected Facebookers on If Facebook Existed Years Ago

- Pamela Roz Out.

Scott Weiland Is DOWN!

Not in terms of being back in rehab or even attitude-wise, but physically since he fell off the stage at a concert a few night ago!

Check it out around the 1:05 mark:

You gotta give him props for finishing the song as opposed to storming off stage right?

- Pamela Roz Out.

This food's from 2008...

We were at a buddy's place yesterday and he showed us this fast food from...2008. It looks the same as if you got it today! I've always heard this myth, didn't really believe it, till we saw this yesterday...There's not even mold on the bread!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Offspring Go Japanese!

At least in celebration of their 15th anniversary since first visiting Japan! Here's new compilation album Happy Hour!:

It LOOKS cool and is with with live recordings, cover songs and remixes...the only catch is it’s only available in Japan or by ordering online if you understand Japanese or can find a friend who does.

It's worth a shot figuring it out right?

- Pamela Roz Out.

Welcome to The Ugly Bug Ball!

Unattractive people need love too!

And that’s where The Ugly Bug Ball comes in! It's a brand new dating website for "people sick of all the lovey dovey dating sites that show perfectly pretty people walking hand in hand on a wind swept beach."

Also, obviously, for those who may not be happy with what they see in the mirror, but still want to find someone!

Ya know, chances are success rates on this kind of dating site will be better than the others for the sheer lack of shallowness!

- Pamela Roz Out.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Smells Like Rockin' Robin!

That's a mash-up I think even Kurt Cobain would’ve approved of in all his grungy flannelled angst!

- Pamela Roz Out.

Ninja baseball player

This outfielder is clearly a ninja. Watch him steal a home run away from a batter who's the size of Godzilla.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A New Week...A New Vocbaulary!

That's thanks to the Oxford English Dictionary who've just added about 2,000 new words and phrases...check out a few:

- VUVUZELA - "Long horn blown by fans at soccer matches."
- BROMANCE - "A close, but non-sexual relationship between two men."
- CHILLAX - "Calm down and relax."
- SOCIAL MEDIA - "Websites and applications used for social networking."
- BUZZKILL - "A person or thing that has a depressing or dispiriting effect."
- STAYCATION - "A holiday spent in one's home country."
- CHILL PILL - "A notional pill taken to make someone calm down."
- CHEESEBALL - "Lacking taste, style or originality."
- HATER - "Negative person."
- DEFRIEND - "Another term for unfriend (remove someone from a list of friends or contacts on a social networking site)."
- LBD - "Little black dress."
- FRENEMY - "A person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry."
- TURDUCKEN - "A roast dish consisting of a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey."

Keep in mind that just because these words exist...you don't have to use them...

- Pamela Roz Out.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Need a "man-cation"

The Lynx Lodge offers just that for its male only guests. Lots of ladies working there but no ladies bugging you to watch the sunset or go for a walk on the beach at night. The Lynx Lodge in New South Wales Australia opens up in November.

-adam taylor

Joaquin Phoenix Is Back...


Or at least done with it for now since I'm Still Here: The Lost Year of Joaquin Phoenix documentary is coming out next month...check it out:

It's still hard to say if the whole going from actor to hip hop artist thing is an act in itself, but all that's pretty convincing!

- Pamela Roz Out.

Link of the Day...

Our love and relationship advice Ninja, Rich's Blog is our link of the day today. Check it!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

2 Video's to watch...

First up this cat is like every other sane person and doesnt like Justin Beiber...


Watch as Joshua Jackson brings to people to Pacey-Con 2010 in San Diego this year...Its pretty funny!

You're welcome

-adam taylor

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Vampires SUCK!

Okay, not really...but this movie still looks awesome:

Out in theatres today!

- Pamela Roz Out.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Jackass 3D?!


I've never been big into Jackass in general...but this changed it all...:

The toilet slingshot! The gorilla! THE GIANT HAND!

IN 3D!!

Happy Tuesday.

- Pamela Roz Out.

Calm Down Dwayne Wade

I like it when athletes give thier time to worthy causes like helping kids. Dwayne Wade from the Miami Heat did that recently, playing in a charity basketball game against some kids. Dwayne, however, is missing that part of your brain that allows you to let the kids win. Watch him BLOCK AND TRASH TALK KIDS!

RedsArmy.com: Dwyane Wade blocking childrens' shots from John Karalis on Vimeo.

Peyton Manning from the Colts did a skit on SNL that reminded me of this. It's hilarious

Monday, August 16, 2010

This is what happens when justin beiber...

...tweets your phone number out to 4.5 million followers on Twitter...

If you are one of Justin Bieber's 4.5 million followers on Twitter, you may have recieved a tweet this weekend from his Holy Mop-Headedness with a phone number.

The message was simple. It said: " everyone call me 248-xxx-xxxx or text "

And thus, thousands upon thousands of tweens afflicted with Bieber fever scurried to their phones to dial! Thing was, the number he offered as his own certainly was not. While most fans thought they would be playing into a prank, the joke was actually on a Detroit teenager named Kevin Kristopik.

Apparently, this was some sort of payback to Kevin for hacking into one of Bieb's buddies Twitter accounts to get Justin's phone number back in July.

-adam taylor

The Beibs To the Rescue!

If this doesn't make your Monday just a little bit easier to get through...you might as well go back to bed!:

It gets better every time!!

- Pamela Roz Out.

Just in case you missed the best mug shot of the year...

Dude that was lost in the forest for a week and did everything wrong to stay alive...Turned out there was a warrent for his arrest for going on a "naked rampage" lastyear.

I feel like he's looking into my soul.


Hi. Your buddy Jay here.

So, I'm rappelling down the RBC building on Thursday.

I don't mind telling you, I'm very, very scared.

It's all in support of Easter Seals and the SMD foundation. I'm looking for your help raising money for this.

here's the link to sponsor me, It'd be cool if you could help


You're awesome.


Friday, August 13, 2010

The Expendables...For Children

I really had no interested in seeing the movie...until this happened:

- Pamela Roz Out.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Age Is JUST A Number!

As proven by The Rappin' Granny:

- Pamela Roz Out.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Family betrayal at its finest (and funniest):

- Pamela Roz Out.

Dumb and Dumber and...Inception?

Two of my favourite movies, together at last. One word = epic.

- Vanessa Mancini

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hit the jump to read about the new album from "GLEE" actor Mark Salling who plays PUCK.


-adam taylor

Scott Pilgrim Is My HERO!!

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World comes out on Friday, but I was lucky enough to catch a screening last night and declare this one of the best movies of the summer!

As you can assume from the trailer, it makes you feel like you're IN a comic book video game! Since it's based on a comic, that makes sense, but they stayed very true to the original work.

If you (like me) already love Michael Cera, this makes him every girl & guy's nerd crush and every nerd’s personal super hero.

- Pamela Roz Out.

Two drunk guys trying to pitch a tent.

Pretty sure these guys must hang with the "too drunk to get his flip-flops on" guy. Either way, both video and equally priceless. I'm not sure if this one is fake...I sorta sensed that at one point, but even if it is, it's still damn funny.

Two Guys Too Wasted To Set Up Tents - Watch more Funny Videos


Monday, August 9, 2010

You Broke WHAT Guinness World Record?!

This is very politely worded considering...this:

And that's just the start...check out more of The 15 Most Absurdly Extreme Guinness Records.

I can only imagine how most of these started, though I guess you have admire them if nothing else!

- Pamela Roz Out.

Happy Spirit Week!

This is your chance to get out of the air conditioned office (or respective workplace) and out on the humid town!

Sponsored by the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ & Winnipeg Transit and running today through Friday, hop on the Downtown Spirit Buses (routes 1 & 2) starting at The Forks (along with designated downtown stops). The whole deal runs from from 11am to 3:30pm with lunch hour entertainment including Folklarama performers and buskers. You'll also grab coupon sheets to save at downtown restaurants and the chance to play trivia games to win more prizes!

For more details and to plan your week's coffee/lunch breaks...click HERE.

- Pamela Roz Out.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Love The Way You Still Make Awesome Music Videos

The much anticipated video for Eminem's latest, Love The Way You Lie, is finally out. It stars Megan Fox (that crazy hot chick) and Dominic Monaghan (Charlie from Lost/some hobbit in Lord of The Rings). And, if I do say so myself...I couldn't turn away. Enjoy!

- Vanessa Mancini

Friday, August 6, 2010


...and it feels SO good, especially after SO LONG!:

Awww old person love...smoe of the cutest and most inspiring.

- Pamela Roz Out.

Hello Weekend...Goodbye Sleep!!

There's too much going on to even think about rest...check it out:

MTS ROCK ON THE RANGE: Saturday...all day, all night with a huge line-up including Homegrown talent Sons of York & Domenica along with bigger names like Three Days Grace, Godsmack, Finger Eleven and Stone Temple Pilots.

FOLKLORAMA: Happy 30th anniversary to the multicultural festival! With over 40 pavilions to check out throughout the city, you'll experience a ton of international food and entertainment without all the hassle at the airport!

CRUZ IN DOWNTOWN: 11th annual Cruz In Downtown kicks off with a parade Saturday along with live entertainment, a kids' zone, an auction benefiting the Rainbow Society and hundreds of vehicles on display. There's also the popular burnout contest.

CHINATOWN STREET FESTIVAL: The 2nd annual goes down Saturday and Sunday in the exchange district with musicians, dancers, children's entertainment and kung fu demonstrations, as well as street vendors and cultural and historical displays.

PIONEER HERITAGE DAY: Put on by the Historical Museum Association of St. James-Assiniboia at 3180 Portage Avenue on Saturday. Check out hoop dancing and environmental theatre in a real 1856 Red River frame house. Musician Sister Dorothy is also scheduled to perform, and kids can take part in games like horseshoe tosses and sack races.
For more info: (204) 888-8706

MUDDY WATERS COMMUNITY CYCLE: Two-wheeled transportation rules at this Habitat for Humanity fundraiser. Registration closes at 3 p.m. today for the Sunday ride, which starts and ends at Scotiabank Stage at The Forks. Participants can take routes of 25km, 60km, 100km or 100-mile.

Amongst all this don't forget our Winnipeg Goldeyes taking on Kansas City T-Bones all weekend!

- Pamela Roz Out.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Watch Out Rob Zombie!


Man, how do I get an invtie to their next family gathering?!

- Pamela Roz Out.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Best Family Movies Of All Time?


A new poll has been done deciding this top 10:

1. E.T.
2. The Wizard of Oz
3. Mary Poppins
4. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
5. Toy Story
6. Shrek
7. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (That would be the 1971 flick starring GENE WILDER)
8. Back to the Future
9. Jungle Book
10. The Sound of Music

More rain in our future = an awesome excuse to hit up the movie rentals!

- Pamela Roz Out

The Arcade Fire...LIVE!

That's just a preview of what you'll see tomorrow when The Arcade Fire broadcast their Madison Square Gardens show via YOU TUBE! Whole thing begins HERE 9pm.

- Pamela Roz Out.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Social Networking as another language?!

Yup...pretty much!

(Take note...some of the lyrics or images may not be completely safe for work, depending where you work):

- Pamela Roz Out

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lisa Simpson's Wedding Day!

This is AMAZING for any fellow Simpsons nerd, like myself....

Today, August 1st, 2010 is the day that the psychic at the Renaissance Fair predicted Lisa to marry Hugh Parkfield. Check out the specs of the script for the episode here!

- Vanessa Mancini