Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Art of Rumpology

Eliminating the need to actually SPEAK to someone to get to know their personality is the act of Rumpology!

Rump meaning bottom...Ology meaning the study of...and that’s the whole thing in a nut shell from British "psychic" Sam Amos who claims she can tell certain things about your personality by the shape of you butt!

And here I was thinking all your could tell by someone’s butt was how much they liked eating or perhaps what their background is!

But there are actually 7 types of butts she judges by including Heart Shaped which means you are emotional, helpful and easily hurt and Flat which means you’re confident, professional and a good dresser.

Well YA! You can fit into more clothes then a lot of us!

Beware of some backside nudity and learn what the shape of YOUR butt says about you here.

It's actually pretty interesting stuff and gives a good excuse to blame our backsides for mood swings!

- Pamela Roz Out.

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