Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween-Scary But True Ghost Stories!

Forget about the creepy piano music in the exorcist movies…SAXOPHONE is the new sound of terror, at least in Windsor Park anyway.

So, ever since I moved into my house 6 years ago, my friends have joked it’s haunted. No real reason for it, they just say there are ghosts living there. I never believed it until 3 years ago when a ghost decided to have a jam session in my basement.

I was on the phone talking to my girlfriend when I heard very faint saxophone music in the background. I thought it was on her end of the line but after it started getting louder and louder I realized it was coming from MY basement!

Like the “extremely-hot-but-stupid-girl” in a horror movie I decided to investigate the noise. Classic.

I figured I’d left my computer on, so I walked down the blood-red shag-carpeted stairs to my basement to turn it off, but as soon as I stepped on the first creaking stair the music instantly stopped.

I looked all over the basement for a good five minutes and couldn’t figure out where the noise was coming from. As a joke I grabbed my guitar and said “Okay, ghost! You wanna jam? Let’s do it!”

I got about two bars into a little blues riff when all of a sudden THE MUSIC STARTED AGAIN!

Naturally, like the brave and courageous person I am, I immediately ran back upstairs, slammed the basement door shut, turned on every light in the house, and hid in my bed until morning.

What do you think? Do you have a SCARY BUT TRUE ghost story that happened to you? Leave a comment and tell me all about it!

-Drew Kozub

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's creepy, but I think I've got you beat...

    My best friend and I went to a party last year in the country that was in some guy's pasture. We beat everyone there, so we decided to play a trick on them. We parked our car behind a bunch of trees a little ways past the road to the field and walked the last ten minutes to where the bonfire and chairs were all set up.

    About twenty feet from the fire, there's this pretty big hill so my friend and I decided to hide behind it until we heard everyone else coming and then sneak up and scare the hell out of them.

    We waited quietly and after about five minutes, we heard a truck driving through the field so we stopped talking and waited for the perfect moment. Finally, the truck stopped, we heard people get out, slam their doors, and then talking as they headed toward the fire. We listened to their voices and judged when they had just passed us on the other side of the hill. Then we smiled and nodded at each other and quietly got up to follow them.

    Except there was no one there. Not a single person. There wasn't even a car parked anywhere and we had DEFINITELY heard the truck and people talking. Needless to say, we both started running back to our car and we haven't been back to that guy's place since.

